From tiny beginnings to oceans I discovered the world in words

Archive for August, 2015

When the Smoke Clears.

The ground trembles,

a sharp intake of breath stills the village,

the pit siren begins to wail.


Feet hasten to the pit head,

women and children, family elders,

each cottage left abandoned;

then the explosion fills the air

with screams, dust and smoke.


The cage cranks up,

saddened faces surface,

desperate men, looking for their families.

Others waiting, searching,

cling together in the lingering smog,

tear streaked faces mouthing prayers.


Rescue makes way for retrieval,

husbands, fathers, sons.


The church bell tolls on Monday morning.

Martha joins the procession of feet,

walking to a place they don’t want to go,

carrying men shoulder high.

Every ebony coffin bearing a pit helmet,

leaving the village,

no longer cloaked in smoke,

now wrapped in devastation.


Elaine Morris (c) August 2015.

The Man.

He left the love of words,

of music, art and friendship.

He taught me how to be

a person of acceptance

and how to live in mindfulness

wherever I may go.

He had a quiet nature,

patient and controlled,

was never in a hurry to be off.

He shared his life with others

his courage and his strength.

He left his positivity

but more than all these things,

he left a vacant sunbeam

on the bench beside me.

Elaine Morris (c) March 2015.