From tiny beginnings to oceans I discovered the world in words

Archive for March, 2021

March 31

stars open and shine
daffodils nod to birdsong
natures music forsythia hedge
(C) EPM (sidlak)

March 28

a brisk wind
gave camillia blooms
their freedom to dance
beside the garden wall

but what is freedom
if you can’t
return to home

March 25

buttons of sunshine
my jacket unfastened


This day.

If this equinox is the doorway to spring
where daffodils bloom and song birds sing
and World Poetry Day lingers on the step
for words some written and some not yet
of portals to honour the newness of life
where stories we write are both love and strife

open the door a smidge, take a peep
at Seamus Heaney, John Clare and John Keats
or take up your pencil and scribe us a line
for nature and work days in rain and fine
are there for the telling in every sense
through doorways and gateways along the fence

the barn door, the garage, the cupboard, the church
the sycamore, oak tree, the laurel, the birch
a walk in the springtime, a day on the farm
or driving a lorry, the road rage, the calm
wherever you are, whatever you say
take up your pencil and write for today.

(written 21 March 2021)

March 20

paper peeling bark
rolls and scrolls this silver birch
tells natures story

March 19

March 18

lichen covered
golden encrusted trees
proud in the sunshine
(C) EPM (elfje)

March 17

the lanes are
with daffodils
more pleasant
yellow paint
road graffiti
the villages
no parking
just keep moving
they nod and
these daffodils
(C) EPM ( piku series)

March 15

afternoon sunshine
a little grey squirrel
eats green hawthorn buds
the first buds are bursting in some places.

March 11

across the sunlit lawn
a scatter of last years leaves
dance to the music of the wind
is this the last cotillion
of the winter