From tiny beginnings to oceans I discovered the world in words

Archive for September, 2020

September 28

in the stillness

a squirrel

moves his acorns


September 27

September sunshine

chasing clouds

across the hillside


September 26

a glass of water

painkillers dance in bubbles

will I dance later


September 24

skeins of geese

embroidering the early dusk

I sit sewing


September 23

the floor is littered

with Autumn stillness

new mown grass

and fallen leaves

the air is fresh

with autumn stillness

this quiet moment

I stand and breathe


September 22

Look closely

can you see

a small white feather

visiting me

early morning

sitting waiting

my angel still

in the morning light


Setember 21

Lombardy poplars

play with the wind

in their uprightness

like organ pipes

music passes through


September 18

in the orchard

the blush of discovery


Dear Earth September 17

Here I am struggling to write again.

Earth if I am honest I am struggling to do anything much.

Leaning in to my own back garden I walked a little and sat a while. I know my garden is tiny but it was all of you this afternoon.

Listing gratitude for the fuschia still flowering, the newly cleaned paving showing colours fitting for autumn in the stone and nice weather.

Offering my promise to go out there more often.


September 12

in the next field

my wonderings out of sight

gold in the far trees