From tiny beginnings to oceans I discovered the world in words

Archive for November, 2013

Time for me.

Teddy needs a cuddle

I need time to think

to meditate or pray

just time for me.

We sit together him and I

in silence.

No one or anything else

matters just now.


My body needs a stretch

some light yoga

working with the chakras.

It’s just for me

alone with the music

and the gentle movement.

No one or anything else

matters just now.


I love a cup of tea.

A country lane to walk,

a pathway through a wood,

listening to the silence.

Finding a comfy place to sit,

I open my flask

watch the amber drink

pour into the cup,

then sip.

No one or anything else

matters just now.


Now for a shower,

hot water sprays and runs

and washes the day away.

Soft soapy hair

rinses squeaky clean.

Fully refreshed

I put on pyjamas,

sit by my bed and notice

Teddy needs a cuddle.

No one or anything else

matters just now.


Elaine Morris (c)  2013